Disciplinary Procedures Training


Started on February 13, 2025

Disciplinary Procedures Training

Setting up effective disciplinary procedures, in line with ACAS code of practice, allows for the quick and effective resolution for when employees breach their contract.  Good practice is to deal with issues that enable everyone to move on smoothly and avoid using the system solely as a way of imposing penalties for employee’s behaviour. Effective disciplinary and grievance training provide the company with a framework to maintain minimum standard of conduct and encourage improvements where necessary.

Common reasons for disciplinary proceedings include:
  • General Misconduct: The most common reason employees are disciplined. Examples include things such as rudeness to other employees or insubordination, excessive absences and poor timekeeping.
  • Poor Performance : A disciplinary hearing into the inability of an employee to perform in the role they undertook should include a plan of action to monitor future performance. Also, the provide training and other resources to improve their performance should be offered, if that is possible.
  • Inappropriate or excessive use of social media and online shopping can be big time wasters and prevent employees from focusing on their job.
  • Bullying and harassment in the workplace is a very broad area and includes sexual harassment and racism. Harassment can take the form of name calling, ridicule, intimidation, yelling, physical threats, insults and offensive jokes.

Although it is necessary to put effective disciplinary procedure in place, disciplinary hearings are somethings most people prefer to avoid. One of the most effective ways to avoid the need for disciplining employees is to have clear guidelines on what  behaviours are acceptable. Employees should know what actions they can expect to face if these behaviours are not observed.  For information on raising complaints or dealing with a problem an employee has raised, see the ACAS code of practice at their website

This disciplinary and grievance training course covers the aims disciplinary procedures to help HR managers set up an effective framework to work with. The course also cover penalties, including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

Course ContentModule
Disciplinary Procedure and confidentiality1
Investigations, allegations and suspensions2
Notification of a hearing and procedure3
Penalties, their effects and appeals4
Holding Disciplinary Hearings and case study5
Course Assessment

Online assessment in disciplinary procedures training is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 45 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

Other related courses to this disciplinary and grievance training course include:

Developing good employee relations
Anti harassment and bullying training
Managing sickness and absence