Safeguarding Adults


Started on February 13, 2025

Safeguarding Adults Training

The protection of human rights is the main purpose of this or any safeguarding for adults training online course. Chief among these rights is the right to equality, regardless of sex, race or other characteristic.. Where there is a violation of human rights, it is crucial that measures are in place to restore them in. This creates a framework where everyone has the right to maintain their values and beliefs while living their lives unimpeded.

“The Care Act 20141 sets out statutory responsibility for the integration of care and support between health and local authorities. NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups work in partnership with local and neighbouring social care services. Local Authorities have statutory responsibility for safeguarding adults. In partnership with health they have a duty to promote wellbeing within local communities.”  Excerpt taken from NHS England Safeguarding Adults pocket guide

Aims of the Course

Anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support will benefit from this course.  This applies to both paid professionals, volunteers and those who work in domiciliary care, the NHS or at home. It sets out roles and responsibilities of carers to protect adult’s rights to live in safety and free from abuse and neglect. Those with responsibilities for vulnerable adults must take appropriate and proportional measures to protect adults in their care. Where feasible, carers should provide support to enable adults in care have control over their own lives.

The aim of this Safeguarding Adults training course is to enable you understand safeguarding principles so you can respond effectively.. You should also consider how these principles apply specifically to your role.

Course Content

We discuss types of abuse and key safeguarding legislation designed to protect adults with care and support needs. The aim of this Safeguarding Adults training course is to enable you understand safeguarding principles so you can respond effectively.. You should also consider how these principles apply specifically to your role.  Some areas covered by the course include:

  • Key terminology in relation to safeguarding
  • The principles of law that relate to safeguarding
  • How safeguarding policies are implemented
  • Recognising the ten types of abuse
  • How to respond when there is suspected abuse
  • Reporting process in abuse cases
  • Managing the environment to minimise risks of abuse
Course ContentModule
Introduction and Definitions1
Abuse and the Rights of Vulnerable Adults2
Recognising the Signs of Abuse3
What to do if you suspect abuse4
Safeguarding Legislation5
Course Assessment

This online assessment for safeguarding adults training is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 80 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

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