Social Media for Business Training


Started on February 13, 2025

Social Media for Business Training

This eLearning course is designed for business owners and managers that wish to apply social media for business but are not entirely familiar with applying social media techniques in a business marketing context.

Before the rise of social media, audiences were much more anonymous. Now they’re connected, identifiable and contactable in ways that never existed before. While email is an address, activity on social media creates an identifiable presence that can be associated with interests, preferences, and character.

While there is no guarantee that you’re going to get an increase in sales simply because of the existence of a Facebook business page, you can generally guarantee if you’re doing it right, publishing the correct content and making people aware of both your online and conventional offline promotions, then you’re going to get increased levels of engagement.

Social Media differs from the publishing approach to marketing and requires much closer engagement with your audience on an individual basis. Inevitably, this involves time and consistent commitment to maintaining this interactive dialogue with your audience. When done properly, your efforts will be much more effective because it provides the means to build relationships with your customers that become the essential foundation to doing business.

Factors that Determine a Successful Social Media Presence

The degree to which your social media activities will gather momentum will generally be down to three main factors.

  • Your current level of brand awareness,
  • the degree to which your social media content possesses viral characteristics in the opinion of your core audience, and
  • the level of investment in content platforms and initiated social media activity.

How best to make use of social media in your business is a big question. It’s very important to understand how social media fits into the social structure of your target audience, particularly because certain demographic profiles will tend to use particular social media platforms, and in certain cases, no social media platform at all.

This course shows you how social media can be used to achieve your business objectives. There’s a great deal to think about because the social media spectrum is very wide. And if you are going to use social media, you need a structured methodology to help make the right choices. These decisions will be primarily based on your audiences characteristics and the nature of your objectives. So there’s no point in jumping into the process of looking at one particular technology or platform before we know our audience and exactly what we want to achieve.

Categories of Social Media

The course explores the need to understand the social media landscape which is categorised into five generic headings.  You will learn how to implement and be given the tools and knowledge to know which are most effective for your business.

  • collaborative blogs,
  • microblogs,
  • contents communities,
  • social networking sites, and
  • virtual or game worlds.

Your website is your identity and your social media presence is your personality. It is the basis upon which people who know very little about you will probably decide if they want to explore the prospect of doing business with you

The course looks at the whole spectrum of social media in business and develops a clear picture of how each element of social media technology fits together with your website as its centre.  By the end of the course you will have clear insights into how to develop a successful social media strategy, and will be able to identify which technologies and networks arelikely to be most useful to your business.


Overview of social media for business demographics: Smart Insights Compilation of Social Media Statistics

Course ContentModule
What is social media?2
Introduction to POST Methodology3
Websites and microsites4
Bringing it all together10
Is social media worth is?11
Course Assessment

Online assessment in social media for business training is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates must answer 70% of the questions correctly to pass each module. We advise you to complete each module and answer the question before moving on to the next module. This provides a better learning experience because you will need to have knowledge from earlier modules to understand some of the material in the later modules. For those who complete the course successfully, a PDF certificate of the award is sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copies of the award are available on request.  The course takes 100 minutes of training to complete. This is course content only and does not cover the time it takes to answer questions.

Other related course to social media training include:
Twitter for Business
Facebook for Business
LinkedIn for Business