Supervising Food Safety Level 3


Started on February 13, 2025

Supervising Food Safety Level 3

This “Supervising Food Safety Level 3” course is designed for managers and supervisors to help them understand their essential day-to-day responsibilities. When a candidate passes this course, they receive a certificate that demonstrates they can supervise and train staff to handle food safely and hygienically. This is a comprehensive course that details a logical path through food topics. All premises in the food industry where food is prepared, handled or sold for public consumption should have at least one person who is trained to the Food Hygiene Level 3 standard

Who is this course for?

Our Food Safety Level 3 training is designed for those who manage food premises and supervise food handlers and servers. This extensive food hygiene training satisfies the legal obligation set out under UK law and detailed in module 15

Role of a Supervisor

Supervisors have a number of specific roles in relation to hand washing, including

  • training, instructing, motivating and supervising staff along with providing feedback on
  • developing and implementing effective communication policies and rules, such as one to one sessions, group meetings, written instructions and posters.
  • leading by example, especially in hand washing, wearing clean, protective clothing, and demonstrating the correct use of lockers.
  • Making sure systems are in place for soap, towels and first aid replenishments and protective clothing provision and replacements.
  • providing adequate resources and facilities
  • checking to make sure facilities are clean and
  • This includes visual checks, competency testing, and swapping. Swapping means taking swab samples of the food handlers hands and using alumin metre to identify the number of relative light units, RLU, which show how clean or dirty the hands are.
  • Exclude food handlers who are ill or have a serious condition if it is felt that food could be exposed to risk of contamination. In other words, if someone is vomiting has diarrhoea or similar symptoms, they should not be at work.
  • Taking corrective action, which could involve more training, issuing warnings or dismissal.

On completion of the course, you will have a comprehensive knowledge of

Hazard Analysis:  Risk factors associated with different food types and be able to conduct a hazard analysis. This will enable you to identify everything that can go wrong including physical, microbiological, and chemical hazards at every step of the process from farm to fork.

HACCP: Be able to implement HACCP food safety management system. Food safety management systems are the policies, procedures, controls, practices, and documentations, which ensure food that is grown, manufactured or sold by a business is free from contaminants and safe to eat.

Food Poisoning: The food poisoning chain consists of three major hazards.

  • The contamination of high risk food
  • the multiplication of bacteria within the food,
  • the survival of bacteria within the food.

Food Preservation: Different ways food is preserved and the conditions that need to be met for effective preservation in each method.

Bacteria: Characteristics of micro organisms affecting the food industry and how they multiply and survive as well as how microbiological hazards can be controlled

Chemical hazards: What they are and how they can be prevented.

Food Allergies: Allergens and how to avoid cross contamination and how to implement an allergen control system hased on HACCP

Physical Hazards and how to prevent them entering the food chain

Personal Hygiene: How high standards of personal hygiene will reduce the risk of food contamination and foodborne illness laws applying to personal hygiene in food production and preparation

Design of Food Equipment and Premises and what should be considered whether you are planning a new site or adapting an existing site

Principles of Cleaning and the procedures needed to ensure effective cleaning and disinfection of food premises

Food Pests: How they contaminate food and are noxious, destructive and troublesome. Food contamination by pests can take place at any stage in the food processing and distribution cycle.

Legislation on Food Safety: The main food safety legislation and the responsibility and enforcement powers of authorised officers in relation to the inspection of premises and food.

Food business owners, supervisors and managers have legal duties in UK and EU law to ensure that they and their staff work and prepare food safely and in compliance with good practice.For details on the laws on Supervising Food Safety Level 3 and other food safety training, refer to the main pieces of legislation  UK Food Hygiene Regulations, 2006 and EU Legislation on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Course ContentModule
Introduction to Food Safety1
Food Poisoning, Spoilage & Preservation2
Microbiological Hazards & Controls4
Chemical Hazards, Controls & Prevention5
Allergen Hazards & Controls6
Physical Hazards & Controls7
Personal Hygiene8
Design and Use of Food Premises and
Cleaning & Disinfection10
Pests & Pest Management11
Implementation of HACCP13
7 Principles of Hazard Control14
Food Safety Legislation & Enforcement15
Final Test16
Supervising Food Safety Level 3




CPD Units ‘6’

Online assessment in the “Supervising Food Safely Level 3”  course is carried out by a series of multiple choice questions. Candidates require 70% correct answers to secure a pass.  PDF certificate will be sent directly to your inbox.  Hard copy certificate on request.  Duration: 260 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off.  It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Other Food Safety Safety Courses offered by Agile Career Training Ltd are

Agile Food Safety Level 1 Catering
Agile Food Safety Level 2 Catering
Achieving Food Hygiene Level 5
Introduction to HACCP Level 2